BIO 251



Course No.

Course Title

No. of Units






Bio  251

General Zoology




Bio 202


  • Course Description:

    This course is a compulsory course for Biological Sciences students. It focuses on introducing basic animal taxonomy, morphological and structural characteristics, as well as their distribution in the environment.


  • Course Main Objective:
    • 1-Enable student to learn and explore about one of the most important science in the felid and its relation with other sciences.
    • 2-To enrich vocabulary of Animal Biology
    • 3- To introduce students to the different kinds of animal that exist in the world.


  • Learning Resources
  • 1-Biology of Animals 7th Edition, Jr. Hickman, Cleveland P., 1997, W C B/McGraw-Hill;, 978-0697289339  
  • 2-Vertebrates: Comparative Anatomy, Function, Evolution 6th Edition, Kenneth Kardong. 2011. McGraw-Hill Education. ISBN-13: 978-0073524238
  • 3- Biology of the Invertebrates, 7th Edition. Jan Pechenik. 2015. McGraw-Hill Education. ISBN10: 0073524182 ISBN13: 9780073524184

علم الحيوان العام، نبيل أبو النيل، 2003 ،دار النشر الدولي الطبعة 1

Last Update
10/13/2009 10:15:57 PM