BIO 352


Course No.

Course Title

No. of Units






Bio 352

Invertebrates II          




Bio 351


  • Course Description:

    The course comprises the second major part of studying the major of Invertebrates, and to develop skills in identifying organisms belonging to the divisions of higher invertebrates and their characteristics.


  • Course Main Objective:
    • 1-Providing a theoretical understanding of invertebrates habitat, feeding, structure and general characteristic features.
    • 2-Recognizing their relevance to public health that depends on the type and degree of their association with the human environment.


  • Learning Resources
  • 1-Invertebrate Zoology, 2009, P S Verma, E L Jordon. S Chand; Fifteenth edition, ISBN-13: 978-8121903677
  • 2- Wallace, R.L., Beck, D.E., Braithwai, Water, K.T. (2002). Invertebrate Zoology: A Laboratory manual. 6th Edition. ISBN: 9780130429377
  • 3- Marshall and Williams (1974). Textbook of Zoology: Invertebrates, 7th ed. Parker and Haswel Ed. Vol. 7
  • 4- E. Barrington, E.J. (1970). Invertebrate structure and function, (1st Edition/ Nelson and Sons Ed., London

R. McNeill Alexander, (1979). The Invertebrates. First Edition. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge.

Last Update
10/13/2009 10:21:23 PM