BIO 355


Course No.

Course Title

No. of Units






Bio 355





Bio 251


  • Course Description:

    This course aims to introduce students to Embryology and its main terminology and concepts and its application in fields such as artificial fertilization process and the most common congenital malformations.


  • Course Main Objective:

    Students will be able to:

  • 1-Define types of cell growth and compare between growth and differentiation and define and describe stages of spermatogenesis and oogenesis
  • 2- Define and describe stages and molecular aspects of fertilization
  • 3-Describe and identify the early embryonic stages for the different vertebrates from fish to mammals as well as identify parthenogenesis and its types. Also, define and describe the artificial fertilization process and when it is used. Finally, relate all aspects of fertilization and development to what is written in the Quran and Sunna
  • 4- Identify the different teratogens and the most common congenital malformations and incubate fertilized chick eggs and extract the embryos and fix them in suitable fixative as well as identify pregnant female rats and identify the embryos in the uterus and extract them
  • 5- Know the effect of environmental factors on the different embryonic process in various animal.
  • 6- Understand the comparing between different structure and function of embryo in different fields of Zoology


  • Learning Resources
  • 1-Scott F. Gilbert (2007), Developmental biology, 8th edition Sinauer Associates, Inc. publishers
  • 2- Wolpert L. et al., (2007) Principles of development, Third edition, Oxford University press
  • 3-الكريم صالح و القدسي فاطمة، )1429 -2008) علم الأجنة الوصفي المقارن، مركز النشر العلمي جامعة الملك عبد العزيز، جدة
  • 4-الكريم صالح و القدسي فاطمة، ) 1429 -2008) علم الأجنة الوصفي المقارن، مركز النشر العلمي جامعة الملك عبد العزيز، جدة
  • 5-المدخل الى علم الأجنة الوصفي و التجريبي، تأليف الدكتور صالح بن عبد العزيز كريم، دار المجتمع للنشر و التوزيع )1411 – 1990 )
  • 6- اسس علم الأجنة، الدكتور التهامي محمد عبد المجيد، جامعة الملك سعود، النشر العلمي و المطابع ) 1420 )
  • 7-Albar M. A. (1992), Human development as revealed in the holy Quran and hadith
  • 8-
  • 1- ge
  • 2- nicDevelopment

Last Update
10/13/2009 10:22:21 PM