BIO 454
Course No.
Course Title
No. of Units
Bio 454
Bio 251
- Course Description:
This course is designed to introduce the student to the biology of fishes- Ichthyology. This course requires previous knowledge of vertebrate physiology, anatomy, ecology and systematics. The student will learn about how constraints of marine life related to each of these disciplines affect the biology of marine vertebrates.
- Course Main Objective:
- Introduce fish biology aspects and its disciplines of biological sciences.
- Enhances knowledge in fish structure (Anatomy) and functions (Physiology).
- Introduce the student to different fish habitat and ecosystem of Saudi Arabia in the Red Sea and the Arabian Gulf.
- Increase student awareness in fisheries and aquaculture with relation to environmental protection
- Learning Resources
- Moyle, P. B., Cech jr. J. J. (2003) Fishes: An Introduction to Ichthyology, 5th edition. Pearson. ISBN-10: 0131008471 ISBN-13: 978-0131008472
- Helfman, Collette, Facey & Brown (2009). The Biodiversity of Fishes: Biology, Evolution and Ecology. 2 nd edition. Wiley Blackwell. ISBN: 978-1-405-12494-2
- Red Sea Reef Fishes (1986), Randall. Printedition in Great Britain By Thomson Litho Ltd. East Kibride, Scotland
- Biology of Fish (1982) .Q. Bone, N.B. Marshall print Edition in the United States of America
Last Update
10/13/2009 10:34:24 PM